Streamline Firm Management with Legal Applications

Most law firms realize the benefit of using Practice and Case Management software. These tools help keep a firm organized, track performance, and balance workloads. They’re created especially for law firms, so—while they deal with quotidian details—they’re organized by case … Continued

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By Tabitha

Selecting The Right Document Management Tools

Attorneys’ time is a precious commodity. It’s a waste of time to search for documents or recreate transactional documents from scratch. How do you maximize the time attorneys spend on matters that need their expertise and minimize the time spent … Continued

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By Tabitha

Should Responsible Law Firms Use Cloud Storage?

Protecting privilege is one reason law firms have been hesitant to adopt using the cloud for document storage and sharing. Fears of hacking or inadvertently providing access to privileged documents have kept many firms from embracing technology that could save … Continued

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By Tabitha

Reclaim 69 Billable Hours This Year

Everyone gets spam emails. It’s a part of life, so you deal with it. But do you realize how much time your employees spend reviewing and deleting spam emails? The average worker receives 121 emails per day, and nearly 50 … Continued

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By Tabitha

Win Outside Counsel for an Insurance Giant

Winning Large Clients When your firm handles insurance defense, you receive, send, and store highly sensitive materials. Wise law firms understand that security and compliance are critical because of the growing threat to cybersecurity. Without the proper safeguards in place, … Continued

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By Tabitha

10 Tips for Streamlining Case Management Software

Practice and Case Management applications empowers attorneys to streamline their law firms. Case Management software is a powerful tool that centralizes firm client information, including contacts, cases, calendars, documents, and other essential client case information. Over time, the databases need … Continued

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By Tabitha