Legal Software 101

Whether you’re getting ready to hang your own shingle or managing an established law firm, implementing a suite of legal software can seem like a daunting task. You might have been intimidated by the cost, the time to put the … Continued

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By Rachel Blakely

Thank You To Our Loyal Customers

Giving Thanks What a wonderful concept Thanksgiving Day is – an official day set aside to reflect on all we’re thankful for in our lives. Gathering together with family and friends – pausing to reflect before the holiday rush and onslaught … Continued

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By Rachel Blakely

How the Cloud Cuts Your IT Overhead

What if your workday was more about practicing law and less about running an office? It can be with Legal Workspace – your law office in the cloud. Watch this video to see why law firms are switching to the … Continued

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By Rachel Blakely